Joe Gregorio | Stream

4 years ago

Trump’s Request of an Ambassador: Get the British Open for Me - The New York Times

Trump’s Request of an Ambassador: Get the British Open for Me - The New York Times

Grifters gonna grift.

4 years ago

Social Construct’s computer-optimized buildings could shake construction industry’s foundations – TechCrunch

Social Construct’s computer-optimized buildings could shake construction industry’s foundations – TechCrunch

4 years ago

The folly of breaking up Big Tech | FactorDaily

The folly of breaking up Big Tech | FactorDaily

There is soooooo much wrong with this article.

4 years ago

The folly of breaking up Big Tech | FactorDaily

The folly of breaking up Big Tech | FactorDaily

There is soooooo much wrong with this article.

4 years ago

Dutch designers convert algae into bioplastic for 3D printingdezeen-logodezeen-logo

Dutch designers convert algae into bioplastic for 3D printingdezeen-logodezeen-logo

4 years ago

inessential: Heads-Up to RSS Reader Authors

inessential: Heads-Up to RSS Reader Authors

Something something desktop and mobile duopoly something.

4 years ago

Philips To Discontinue Support For First-Gen Hue Bridge In April | Ubergizmo

Philips To Discontinue Support For First-Gen Hue Bridge In April | Ubergizmo

Something something protocols and standards something oligopolies.

We live in a completely unapologetic dystopia.

4 years ago

COVID-19 Employer Information for Office Buildings | CDCMinusSASstats

COVID-19 Employer Information for Office Buildings | CDCMinusSASstats

Increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, and other methods.

4 years ago

Real reasons why tech giants are hugging “Remote Work” – On my Om

Real reasons why tech giants are hugging “Remote Work” – On my Om

False, if it was about money this would have happened earlier, and companies would have moved out of silicon valley a long time ago.

4 years ago

Apple is the worst.

inessential: weblog

4 years ago

Taziki recipe

I’m using Google Photos to record some of my recipes, starting with Taziki:

4 years ago

Chrome Remote Desktop may interfere with mounting USB drives on linux.

Wow, just ran into this and indeed the issue was Chrome Remote Desktop. It also appears to be the source of the problem I was having running balena etcher.

sudo apt autoremove chrome-remote-desktop 
4 years ago

Tweet from Sasha Perigo (@sashaperigo)

When will people ever learn to own their own content?

Sasha Perigo (@sashaperigo) Tweeted:

Instacart Shoppers wrote a Medium post 
explaining what’s happening to them and 
asking for software engineers and other 
employees to speak out against their 
bosses. @GoogleWalkout shared it today. 

Instacart flagged it to Medium, and it’s been TAKEN DOWN!
4 years ago

Quick update on inline-form

I just pushed a quick update to inline-form which makes the code even shorter.

One of the things I’ve realized as I do this project is the wealth of tooling in browsers for handling forms that we’ve left behind by moving to POSTing everything in JSON via JavaScript. For example it turns out the browser’s fetch function understands different body types and will automatically add in the correct Content-Type header based on the body type, so posting Form content can be as simple as:

fetch(formElement.action, {
    method: 'POST',
    body: new FormData(formElement),
4 years ago

AT&T switches customers to more expensive plans without asking them first | Ars Technica

With healthy competition and advancing technology shouldn’t prices be going down?

AT&T switches customers to more expensive plans without asking them first | Ars Technica

5 years ago


Just published v3.0.0 of elements-sk. The bump in major version number is because dialog-sk was removed from the library. Now that the dialog element exists and has a good polyfill it was time to abandon the custom element.

This is my preferred direction in library change direction, i.e. getting smaller over time.

5 years ago

Saving here for future reference: History and effective use of Vim

History and effective use of Vim.

5 years ago

Has anyone ever owned a toaster where the "bagel" button worked? Asking for future archeologists.

5 years ago

Elizabeth Warren is going to be our next president, because she is Lisa Simpson and I subscribe to the Simpson’s Timeline of Reality.

5 years ago

Wait, so did SCOTUS just rollback Baker v Carr in their most recent gerrymandering decision? I.e. will SCOTUS no longer involve itself in any political decisions?

Context More Perfect: The political thicket.